SB Admin Angular

Starter template / theme for AngularJS Dashboard Apps

SB Admin v2.0 rewritten in AngularJS

This project is a port of the famous Free Admin Bootstrap Theme SB Admin v2.0 to Angular Theme. Find out more Free Angular Themes at


    cd project-directory
    npm install
    bower install
    grunt serve:dist --force 

If you want to run the development version and skip throught the minification process ,

grunt serve --force


Folder Structure


    ├── js 
    │   └── sb-admin-2.js  - Custom theme Javascript File.
    ├── scripts 
    │   ├── app.js    - Application defined here.
    │   ├── controllers    -All the controllers are in this folder
    │   │── directives    -All the directives are in here.
    │       ├── chat       
    │       │   
    │       ├── dashboard   
    │       │   
    │       ├── header   
    │       │  
    │       ├── notifications    
    │       │   
    │       ├── sidebar    
    │       │   
    │       └── timeline    
    ├── styles    -Contains the css stylesheets.
    ├── views - Contains all the views.
    │    ├── chart.html
    │    ├── form.html
    │    ├── table.html
    │    ├── dashboard    
    │    ├── pages        
    │    └── ui-elements  
    ├── 404.html 
    ├── favicon.ico
    ├── index.html    
    ├── robots.txt

How to add more stuff?

Its very simple to add new files or features to this theme. Follow these simple steps,

Support or Contact

Having trouble with this theme? Raise an issue here and we’ll help you sort it out.